10 day shred video juice plus
10 day shred video juice plus


Cut out sugar and coffee or reduce greatly for the 10 days to give your adrenals a break. Or do a yoga class, any cardio, weight, or martial art training 3 to 6 times a week. So if nothing else go for a 20-minute brisk walk daily. The best way to get acid out of you is through breath (asperation) and sweat (perspiration). 1) exercise a minimum of 3 times a week (should be 6).

10 day shred video juice plus

You can book me as a personal trainer on the site but I recommend everyone do a couple of things on top of the shakes during the 10 days. I do teach exercise classes but that's a separate thing. And again if you don't want to rely on your grocery stores for produce these vertical growers are the best thing since sliced bread! By purchasing any of these packages you get in my Facebook group: Ian Jacklin's Alkaline Detox Shred where there are recipe books and videos, everyone can chat, ask questions, share stories, meal ideas, etc.


I advise you to watch all the video's provided to get an understanding of what Juice Plus offers. If you are broke the cheapest is where you just get your meal replacement shakes and can add the supplements later when you can afford them. Just sign up under the Healthy Start For Familiesīelow are some options for you. If you have children under 18 they get their capsules or gummies free. Boom I'm always alkaline, pain-free, and always at my ideal weight. Ice cream for dessert! But Monday it's back to 2 shakes and a vegan meal. So I myself will enjoy a grass-fed steak or pizza on weekends. We want a minimum of 80% alkaline food intake and 20% acidic to cure what ails you. But I recommend you just take one day off and get right back on it. If after 10 days you have had enough then just do your best the for next 20 and know that we will start the next 10 days on the first Monday of every month. Desire, dedication, and determination for 10 days. If you choose to grow your own food buy a tower grower and I'll help you get that going. We do the first 10 days of each month together but hope you just take one day off at the end of each week and continue through the whole month. I don't charge as of yet for this I just ask you to get your non-gmo shakes and supplements from my trusted company Juice Plus. Note this is a 4 month program.


That's why I'm here to stop the bullying they are doing and to show you how to defend yourself from these tyrants running the world today.

10 day shred video juice plus 10 day shred video juice plus

Chemtrails, flu shots, pharmaceuticals are all to hurt you not help you. It's time to get alkaline so you won't get sick from all that they bombard you with these days. Did you get tricked in to taking the experimental shot? Are you worried about convid? Fear not they just rebranded the flu and added the radiation poisoning in the 5G. You are acidic from what you eat, drink, breathe, think, feel and these days sit in. After all, it's all stemming from the same thing.

10 day shred video juice plus

But for now, just give me 10 days! On the first Monday of every month, we will do the 10-day feast not fast! It's a plant-based plethora of tasty meals and shakes to help you find your ideal weight and get rid of any health issues from asthma to cancer. This page is to help you through your first 10 days which we hope will roll over into your new permanent lifestyle. Kapeesh? So let's get rid of the acid you have, not put any more in by eating and drinking alkaline. You don't get fat, cancer, or gout you get acidic. The disease is acidosis and the cure is alkalinity.

10 day shred video juice plus